REGISTRATION FORM ----------------- This program is distributed under Shareware concept. This allows you to try the program before you pay for it. This version of the program has the following limitations: 1) Some "playing times" are limited to 2 minutes and the QSO files are limited to 20 items. If you want an unlimited version, please register your copy by sending this registra- tion form and a check of $30 to: Aymon & C0 (HB9DBC) 1376 Goumoens-la-Ville Switzerland You will get a personalized version of the program with QSO files extended to 3000 items. Problems and suggestions may be submitted on the registration form or through Compuserve mail to 100270,1122. Your Name: ____________________________________ Call sign: ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Disk format: ___ 5.25" ___ 3.5" Date and signature: _____________________________________________________ Comments: (likes/dislikes/problems/suggestions):